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Jain Spirit 18
This is issue 18 of Jain Spirit, covering March to May 2004.
Jain Spirit 19
This is issue 19 of Jain Spirit, covering June to August 2004, and includes the Kid Spirit supplement.
Jain Spirit 20
This is issue 20 of Jain Spirit, covering September to November 2004, and includes the Kid Spirit supplement.
Jain Spirit 21
This is issue 21 of Jain Spirit, covering December 2004 to February 2005, and includes the Kid Spirit supplement.
Jain Spirit 22
This is issue 22 of Jain Spirit, covering March to May 2005.
Kid Spirit 04
Created especially for children, Kid Spirit was a supplement to the Jain Spirit magazine. It presents information about aspects of Jain faith and practice in a fun, colourful way, and includes puzzles and quizzes.
The supplement was first published in 2005 and circulated with Jain Spirit 22.
More Documents of Jaina Paintings and Gujarati Paintings of Sixteenth and Later Centuries
Volume 51 in the L. D. Series is based on a lecture the author delivered at the Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology in 1972. The text introduces characteristics of the developing styles of miniature paintings created in western India from the late medieval period onwards. There are numerous black-and-white reproductions of illustrations, chiefly from manuscripts.
New Documents of Jaina Painting
Black-and-white and colour examples of Jain manuscript illustrations. The introduction offers an overview of the style of manuscript artwork, dubbed the Sirohi School, which developed in western India. The detailed catalogue provides information about the reproductions, many of which have been published for the first time.
Pandit Sukhlalji’s Commentary on Tattvārtha Sūtra
This is K. K. Dixit’s English translation of Pandit Sukhlalji’s Commentary on Tattvārtha Sūtra of Vācaka Umāsvāti.
Accompanied by the original text of the Tattvārtha-sūtra and its English translation, this study is of great interest because of its extensive commentary. This lucidly discusses all the implications of the text.
The first five chapters and chapters six to ten and index are in separate files also.
Pandit Sukhlalji’s Commentary on Tattvārtha Sūtra – chapters 1 to 5
This is the first five chapters of K. K. Dixit’s English translation of Pandit Sukhlalji’s Commentary on Tattvārtha Sūtra of Vācaka Umāsvāti.
Accompanied by the original text of the Tattvārtha-sūtra and its English translation, this study is of great interest because of its extensive commentary. This lucidly discusses all the implications of the text.
The front matter, chapters six to ten and the index are in separate files.