Publication information

Essays on Jaina Art
Anand K. Coomaraswamy
Richard J. Cohen
Journal or book or series
Collected Works of Dr. Ananda Coomaraswamy series; volume 15
Publication details
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts and Manohar; 2003; New Delhi, India

Pages 69 to 91

Originally published as ‘Notes on Jaina Art’ in the Journal of Indian Art and Industry in 1914. Also published as Jaina Art by Munshiram Manoharlal in New Delhi, India in 1994.

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Theme Article
Principles Cycles of time
Images of the universe
Jain universe
Mathematics of the universe
The ‘Three Worlds’
Writings on the universe
Practices Cycles of time


Title Folio number
Aḍhāī-dvīpa (069.001) All folios
Aḍhāī-dvīpa (575181i) All folios
Aḍhāī-dvīpa (IS 6565) not applicable
Aḍhāī-dvīpa (Or. 13937) All folios
Jina images (Add. 26519) All folios
Līlāvatī (Or. 13457) All folios