Publication information

Worshipping the Ideal King: On the Social Implications of Jaina Conversion Stories
Peter Flügel
Peter Schalk with Max Deeg, Oliver Freiberger, Christoph Kleine and Astrid van Nahl
Journal or book or series
Geschichten und Geschichte: Historiographie und Hagiographie in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte, Historia Religionum series; volume 30
Publication details
Uppsala University; 2010; Uppsala, Sweden

Pages 357 to 432

An anthology of papers delivered at the ‘Geschichten und Geschichte: Religiöse Geschichtschreibung in Asien und ihre Verwertung in der religionshistorischen Forschung’ conference (‘Stories and History: Religious History in Asia and its Recovery in the History of Religion Research’) in Munich, Germany from 6 to 7 August 2007. The workshops were organised by the Arbeitskreis Asiatische Religionsgeschichte (AKAR) and the Zentrum für Buddhismusforschung (ZfB) of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

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Places Jainism and Islam
Jains and the Mughals